Moore Family |
Our Major Home Do It Yourself Projects... These pages have listings of all the Projects we have completed in our current house in Phoenix, AZ. Some major projects have more details pages also. We started out with a strong DIY focus from the first house we owned - at the time mainly because we couldn't afford to pay anyone else to do anything! Actually I recall my father working on our house a lot when I was a kid - so it must be in the genes. My father had lots of tools and seemed to spent lots of time working on various projects... However only much later - after my father had died did my mother confide in me that she thought most of my father's efforts looked way too amateurish and she wished he hadn't done so much around the house...! That one made me ask Marlene what she thought of my work... Fortunately I'm OK! (I think...) Our Current Home in Phoenix, AZ Our Previous Home in Phoenix, AZ Our First Home In Southampton, UK |
Copyright (c): Alan Moore 2006 - 2014
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